Yed Graph Editor For Mac

YEd is a very helpful Java-based cross-platform app that, unfortunately, has an outdated visual design, quite out of place on a Mac, and it does not integrate well with the standard OS X interface. YEd Graph Editor has an attractive interface, with a tabbed work area that lets you have multiple files open at once. Several aspects of the interface are modular, allowing you to close them when.

the powerful diagramming plugin for Atlassian Confluence®


Download yEd 3.20.1

The current version is 3.20.1. To check your version, open the Help menu and choose About.

yEd installer for 64-bit Windows 7 or later. Includes a suitable OpenJDK Java 13 JRE.
yEd installer for Mac OS X 10.11 or higher. Includes its own embedded OpenJDK Java 14 JRE.
yEd installer script for 64-bit Linux systems (Intel/AMD architecture). Either chmod +x first, or execute using sh. Includes a suitable OpenJDK Java 14 JRE.
Zipped yEd Jar file for 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. Requires an installed Java 8 (or later) runtime environment.

The yEd Live browser app

If you want to try diagramming directly within your browser without downloading an app, consider giving our yEd Live a spin!

The latest release of yEd Graph Editor is version 3.20.1

yEd 3.20.1 - Changes Since 3.20

Security fixes

Yed Graph Editor For Mac Windows 10

The new version includes fixes to a set of vulnerabilities, kindly reported by Dawid Czarnecki from NATO Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).

  • Fixed XML External Entity injection that could be exploited when opening XML files (including GraphML). [CVE-2020-25215]
  • Fixed code execution through XSL transformation when opening XML files together with custom stylesheets. [CVE-2020-25216]


  • yEd's icon set has been updated to modern SVG icons. Aside from looking great, these icons scale nicely on HDPI devices.
  • Added support for additional labels in UML class nodes. [Q&A 17711]


  • Custom window layouts are now properly restored when restarting yEd. [Q&A 4627], [Q&A 7384], [Q&A 18580]
  • Many bugfixes great and small.

yEd 3.20 - Changes Since


Yed Graph Editor For Mac Shortcut

  • The JREs that come with the Windows installers have been updated to OpenJDK 13.0.2.
    The JREs that come with the Linux and macOS installers have been updated to OpenJDK 14.0.1.

New Features

  • Added new Generic Curve Routing algorithm for routing edges.
  • Added new Generic Edge Bundling algorithm for routing edges.
  • Added new page rank algorithm for calculating centrality measures.


  • Added SHIFT+F2 (Windows/Linux) and SHIFT+ENTER (macOS) keyboard shortcuts for yEd's 'Add Label' action.
    Improved the initial position for additional labels.


  • Added input validation for many settings dialogs used for layout algorithms to prevent invalid values (such as e.g. negative distances) and subsequent algorithm errors.
  • Fixed problems with incorrect additional white space in label texts when opening GraphML files with yEd running on Java 14. [Q&A 13283]
  • Fixed problems with custom graph properties names 'url' or 'description' when working with multiple documents. [Q&A 16802]
  • Fixed copy-pasting of 'Edge Opposite: Dynamic' node label placement policy. [Q&A 15869]
  • Many bugfixes great and small.

Previous Releases

See the release notes of previous yEd versions.


Data Binding

Efficient Graph Analysis Algorithms

Yed Graph Editor For Mac

You need appealing diagrams in your own software applications?

You can integrate world-class diagramming functionality like you see in yEd into your own applications!

your HTML5 / JavaScript,
your Java,
or your .NET framework-based application.

yEd is an impressive model of what can be done with our class library yFiles for Java!

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yEd Graph Editor is an easy-to-use tool for creating and editing diagrams.

The program works much like many similar applications. You'll choose your symbols from a palette (flowchart, UML, ERD, BPNM, network, computer, more), drag and drop them onto the page, and position them as you like. Symbols may then be customised with text, colours, URLs and more, before you join them up with lines to represent your structure or ideas.

The symbols on offer are more visually appealing than some of the free competition, which is an immediate plus. YEd isn't just about creating complicated charts for technical documents: it could be just as useful when designing something simple but attractive for a presentation.

It's easy to pick up the diagramming basics, too. When drawing a line between two symbols, say, you don't have to select a Line tool, look for symbol 'handles' or anything else: just left-click somewhere over one symbol, hold the mouse button down and drag to another symbol, release and the line appears.

YEd can import data from GraphML files, XLS/ XLSX spreadsheets, GML/ XGML and more. But the real surprise was support for GEDCOM, the genealogy format. Not only does this allow yEd to import and display your family tree, it even offers some fine control over the process, for example choosing exactly which tags you'd like to import.

Export options are another highlight. You're not just restricted to saving your graphs as regular images (GIF, JPG, PNG), the program can also export EPS, SVG/ SVGX and PDF. There's even an HTML page with a custom Flash viewer, complete with its own chart panning, zoom and print controls.

Version 3.17 brings: (Changelog):

New Features

Added import support for the GraphML file format variants of our commercial yFiles diagramming libraries yFiles for JavaFX (3.x version series) and yFiles for HTML (2.x version series).
The 'Find...' command and the 'Select Elements' tool now additionally support text matching using the full power of regular expressions.


Improved and corrected import support for the GraphML file format variants of our commercial yFiles diagramming libraries yFiles for Java (3.x version series), yFiles for JavaFX (2.x version series), and yFiles for HTML (1.x version series).
The 'Apply' and 'Apply Type' commands from the Palette's context menu now also support converting normal nodes to open/closed group nodes and vice versa. [Q&A 10269]
The JREs that are installed by the Windows, Mac, and Linux installers have been updated to Java 1.8.0_121.


Addressed a problem in the Excel import where importing spreadsheets with blanks/whitespace in sheet names failed. [Q&A 10230]
Many bugfixes, great and small.


YEd is easy for beginners to pick up, yet also provides the advanced controls experts need. Its diagrams look great, they're very configurable, and a host of export options gives you plenty of ways to share them with the world.